Monday, December 31, 2012

Here's to a New Year and a New us

2012 is FINALLY coming to a close.  To say it has been an easy year around here is a big lie.  Carlo was gone in India for 45 days, I got a job, Audrey has grown in so many ways and is a month away from 2 years old, and the list goes on.  We have grown from everything for sure.  We have had our share of not so great times but some really awesome times like our vacay along the Blue Ridge Parkway, and numerous random fun times around our little city and in our house even.  Audrey is the proud owner of a gently used Radio Flyer we stumbled upon yesterday as well as the owner of an AWESOME Minnie Mouse VW car.  We have big plans around here for 2013, lots of trips, lots of changes around the house, the backyard really.  It is TIME to make it a Zen sanctuary and have an area for birds to be as well as an organic veggie garden.  I know 2013 will be better.  I have to tell you guys I did something kind of on a whim.  I got this, well the yearly planner and workbook.  I was reading Manic Mrs. Stone, a favorite blog of mine.  She had a post regarding the Goddess circle and right then and there I decided I needed to take charge of my year!!  I am tired of meaningless to do lists and the feeling of getting nothing done all while feeling as though I am not giving Audrey enough of the right amount of attention.  Maybe I portray this awesome life to you guys, but I am here to tell you it isn't all awesome.  I struggle to get everything done each day and pile stupid amounts of things to get done in a day on my list.  I attempt to spend enough quality time with Audrey yet feel I come short.  I long for a little bit of me time, then overextend it into Carlo and me time.  Sometimes he will fall asleep before I get in bed which leaves me upset, not at him, but myself.  I am tired of these last 10 pounds still being here.  Really I am so...sick of it.  This is the year of change, of big BIG things, I feel it, more so than I ever have in the past.  It is a year of healing of getting into a great groove and really figuring out what I am doing and releasing all that is not making me and our little family happy.  I am releasing all the negativity from 2012 and moving forward into 2013.  I know it will SURELY be an incredible year.  I am wishing all of you lovely readers a very Happy New Year.  May all of your dreams and wishes come true.

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