Monday, August 27, 2012

staying afloat

Starting a job is such a daunting experience. This past week I just taught studio class and a lesson, but it's been a crazy week for me.  I feel at the moment like I am drowning since this is all so new.  I am not just working with my normal schedule and my private lessons anymore I am dealing with 5 college students schedules, a nanny's schedule, me and Audrey's schedule, and still have loads of questions.  Requirements and paperwork and getting my own keys and blah blah blah.  I want to do things right but am just feeling like stuff is back firing. I even missed my chiropractor appt. I put the wrong day on my calender even though I had the right time on a little calender that was right  above my calender!!  Best part is  when I rescheduled I couldn't remember the time I was told 2 seconds later!  It is nuts.  I have a calender in the kitchen, 1 in my studio and a planner and I still can't seem to get things together.  I have copies to make, worksheets to blow the font up on, and work to do for this Friday.  I just want to spend time with my little girl and not have my brain elsewhere.  This week is  my first full week and I already had to cancel a lesson due to scheduling error.  I forgot that my nanny said the first time we met her that she had training on certain days and then scheduled a lesson during that time.  This lesson I scheduled was during Audrey's nap time and I couldn't find anyone to watch her short notice.  I know this will get easier, but at the moment I am just trying to stay afloat.  I feel like I hit the jackpot with faculty because they are all amazing and have been willing to help any way possible.  I don't like letting myself, Audrey or Carlo down or the pups either. I don't like not being fully present around Audrey.  Last night I  sat down and got my schedule completely together so there are no if ands or buts.  I now have to be more scheduled than I have ever been I suppose that is the responsibility that come with being a college professor.  We have already been off and running this morning, not literally, but running to ULL 2 times before Audrey's nap!!!! On top of that we are trying to get a few extra things together for Isaac.  He will only be a Cat.1 so there is really no worry.  There will probably be a lot of trees down with the high winds simply because the ground is so.....saturated already due to the massive amount of rain we have been getting.  With trees down there are power outages so that is why we are getting a few things together.  In any case, I know things will settle down and I will find a good groove but for now it's all very daunting and a crazy balancing act.  With some positive thinking and lots of deep breaths, I know that I will get through this of course seeing this cheesy grin when I leave and when I get home helps me BIG time!


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